 Li Jin,Fan Wenhui,Yang Yuan,et al.The effect of Fingolimod-mediated microglial polarization on oligodendrocyte precursor cells[J].Stroke and Nervous Diseases,2017,24(05):383-387+397.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-0478.2017.05.001]



论 著


The effect of Fingolimod-mediated microglial polarization on oligodendrocyte precursor cells
430030 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院神经内科
Li Jin Fan Wenhui Yang Yuan et al.
Department of Neurology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030
FTY720 小胶质细胞 表型转化 少突胶质前体细胞
FTY720 Microglial polarization Oligodendrocyte precursor cells
目的 研究芬戈莫德(FTY720)对原代培养的小胶质细胞表型的影响及干预后的小胶质细胞对少突胶质前体细胞分化成熟的影响。方法 体外培养原代小胶质细胞及少突胶质前体细胞(OPCs),采用RT-PCR法检测FTY720干预后小胶质细胞M1及M2型指标的变化; ELISA法检测小胶质细胞上清TNF-α、TGF-β、IL-1β、IL-13分泌量的变化; 将干预后的小胶质细胞上清液加入纯化后的少突胶质前体细胞中采用Olig2与MBP共染免疫荧光染色方法观察FTY720对少突胶质前体细胞分化成熟的影响。结果 向M2型转化; FTY720干预后的小胶质细胞促进少突胶质前体细胞的分化成熟。结论 FTY720通过促进小胶质细胞向M2型转化,从而促进少突胶质前体细胞的分化。
ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of S1P receptor agonist Fingolimod(FTY720)on microglial polarization and the effect of FTY720-mediated microglia polarization on maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells.Methods RT-PCR was used to examine the polarization of microglia in vitro. ELISA was used to detect the supernatant of microglial cells in order to measure the levels of TNF-α, TGF-β, IL-1β and IL-13. The supernatant of microglial cells was added to the purified oligodendrocyte precursor cells, and then the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells was detected by immunofluorescence staining.Results FTY720 promoted the microglia toward M2 polarization, promotes differentiation of oligodendrocyte.Conclusion FTY720 promoted the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells by promoting the microglia toward M2 polarization.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-10-20