 Wang Jing*,Chang Long..The clinical value of ABCD3-I score combined with Fib in identifying transient ischemic attack patients at early risk of cerebral infarction[J].Stroke and Nervous Diseases,2018,25(05):533-537.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-0478.2018.05.010]



论 著


The clinical value of ABCD3-I score combined with Fib in identifying transient ischemic attack patients at early risk of cerebral infarction
110000 沈阳,解放军463医院神经内科(王静); 辽宁省锦州市锦州医科大学研究生院[常龙(通信作者)]
Wang Jing*Chang Long.
*Department of Neurology,Hospital 463 of PLA,Shenyang 110000
短暂性脑缺血发作 脑梗死 ABCD3 - I +纤维蛋白原水平的评分法 预测
Transient ischemic attack Stroke occurrence ABCD3-I+Fib criteria Prediction
目的 探讨ABCD3-I评分法结合纤维蛋水平白原检测对短暂性脑缺血发作( TIA,Transient ischemic attack)短期发生脑梗死的风险进行评估。方法 用ABCD3-I评分法和ABCD3-I评分法+纤维蛋白原水平分别测定200例TIA患者的评分,并观察TIA后7 d内脑梗死的发生率。结果 200例TIA患者中7 d内发生脑梗死的有27例。ABCD3-I评分组中低危组(0~3分)、中危组(4~7分)、高危组(8~13分)TIA患者7 d内脑梗死发生率分别为3.23%、11.63%和29.27%(P<0.05),ABCD3-I评分+Fib水平组中低危组(0~3分)、中危组(4~7分)、高危组(8~13分)TIA患者7 d内脑梗死发生率分别为3.23%、9.92%和30.61%(P<0.05)。ABCD3-I评分法和ABCD3-I评分法+纤维蛋白原水平检测的ROC曲线下面积(95%CI)分别为0.66(0.56~0.77)和0.69(0.59~0.80)。ABCD3-I评分法和ABCD3-I评分法+纤维蛋白原水平组的评分与脑梗死发生率呈线性相关,相关系数分别为0.23、0.26(P<0.05)。结论 ABCD3-I评分能够较为准确地对TIA患者7 d内发生缺血性脑梗死的风险进行预测,结合纤维蛋白原水平检测更能为准确地预测脑梗死的发生风险。
ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical value of ABCD3-I score combined with Fib in identifying transient ischemic attack patients at early risk of cerebral infarction.Methods 200 TIA patients were evaluated according to ABCD3-Icriteria and ABCD3-I + Fib criteria.The occurrences of stroke were observed in 7 days.Results 200 TIA patients were included in the study.The number of stroke occurrence within 7 days after TIA were 27.The 7-day risk of stroke was 3.23% in patients with an ABCD3 score of low risk(0~3),11.63% with a score of moderate risk(4~7),and 29.27% with a score of high risk(8~13)(P< 0.05).The 7-day risk of stroke was 3.23% in patients with an ABCD3-I +Fib score of low risk(0~3),9.92% with a score of moderate risk(4~7),and 30.61% with a score of high risk(8~13)(P< 0.05).In the ABCD3-I criteria and ABCD3-I+ Fib criteria the area under the curve and 95% Confidence Interval for predicting stroke risk within 7 days after TIA were 0.66(0.56~0.77)、0.69(0.59~0.80)respectively.There was linear correlation between the ABCD3-I criteria and ABCD3-I+Fib criteria.The correlation coefficients were 0.23 and 0.26 respectively.Conclusion ABCD3-I criteria was accurate to predict the occurrence of cerebral infarction in 7 days of TIA.ABCD3-I+Fib criteria was more accurate to predict the occurrence of cerebral infarction in short-term of TIA.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-10-20