[1]韩雪 高燕军 赵士娇.血清正五聚蛋白3、超敏C反应蛋白水平与急性脑梗死患者的病情严重程度及预后的关系[J].卒中与神经疾病杂志,2019,26(01):22-26.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-0478.2019.01.005]
 Han Xue,Gao Yanjun,Zhao Shijiao.The relationship between serum levels of pentraxin 3, high sensitivity c-reactive protein and the severity, prognosis of patients with acute cerebral infarction[J].Stroke and Nervous Diseases,2019,26(01):22-26.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-0478.2019.01.005]



论 著


The relationship between serum levels of pentraxin 3, high sensitivity c-reactive protein and the severity, prognosis of patients with acute cerebral infarction
韩雪 高燕军 赵士娇
067000 河北省承德医学院[韩雪 高燕军(通信作者)赵士娇]
Han Xue Gao Yanjun Zhao Shijiao
Chengde medical college, Chengde 067000
正五聚蛋白3 超敏C反应蛋白 急性脑梗死 炎症反应 预后转归
Pentraxin 3 Hypersensitive c-reactive protein Acute cerebral infarction Inflammatory response Prognosis outcome
目的 探讨急性脑梗死患者血清正五聚蛋白3(PTX3)和超敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)水平与急性脑梗死患者的病情严重程度及预后的关系。方法 选择发病24 h内急性脑梗死患者151例为脑梗死组,同时选取同期于本院体检健康人群103例为对照组; 检测和比较2组血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平; 比较NIHSS≥5分和NIHSS<5分的患者血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平以及mRS≤2分和mRS>2分患者的血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平; 分析血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平与急性脑梗死患者NIHSS评分和mRS评分的关系以及两者对于脑梗死的严重程度和预后的预测价值。结果 与对照组比较,脑梗死组急性期血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平均明显升高(P<0.05); 与脑梗死组NIHSS<5分患者比较,NIHSS≥5分患者急性期血清PTX3、hs-CR水平升高(P<0.05); 脑梗死组mRS>2分患者急性期血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平亦均高于mRS≤2分的患者(P<0.05); 急性脑梗死患者血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平与其 NIHSS和mRS得分均呈正相关(PTX3:rs=0.471,0.451; hs-CRP:rs=0.381,0.320; P<0.05); ROC曲线分析显示急性脑梗死患者急性期血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平对于脑梗死的严重程度和预后的预测价值均良好,但以血清PTX3水平预测脑梗死严重程度及预后的价值最优。结论 急性脑梗死患者急性期血清PTX3、hs-CRP水平与脑梗死的严重程度和预后均相关,且均对其预后的预测价值良好,但以血清PTX3水平的预测价值更优。
ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between the levels of serum pentraxin 3,high sensitivity c-reactive protein and the severity, prognosis of patients with acute cerebral infarction.Methods 151 patients with acute cerebral infarction within 24 hours of onset were selected as the cerebral infarction group and 103 healthy people who underwent physical examination in our hospital during the same period were selected as the control group. The levels of serum PTX 3 and hs-CRP were tested and compared between the two groups. The levels of PTX3 and hs-CRP in serum of patients with NHSS ≥5 and NIHSS<5, as well as the levels of PTX3 and hs-CRP in serum of patients with mRS ≤2 and mRS>2 were compared. The relationship between the levels of PTX3, hs-CRP in serum and NIHSS scores, mRS scores of patients with acute cerebral infarction, their predictive value for the severity and prognosis of cerebral infarction were analyzed.Results Compared with the control group, the levels of PTX3 and hs-CRP in acute phase of cerebral infarction group were significantly increased(p<0.05). Compared with patients with NIHSS<5 points in the cerebral infarction group, the levels of PTX3 and hs-CRP in the acute phase of patients with NIHSS≥5 points were increased(P<0.05). The levels of PTX3 and hs-CRP in acute phase of patients with mRS > 2 scores in cerebral infarction group were also higher than those of patients with mRS≤2 scores(P<0.05).Spearman's unconditional correlation analysis showed that the levels of serum PTX3 and hs-CRP in patients with acute cerebral infarction were positively correlated with NIHSS and mRS scores(PTX 3:rs=0.471,0.451; hs-CRP: rs=0.381,0.320; P<0.05). Roccurve analysis results showed that the levels of serum PTX3 and hs-CRP in acute phase of acute cerebral infarction were good in predicting the severity and prognosis of cerebral infarction, but the value of serum PTX 3 in predicting the severity and prognosis of cerebral infarction was the best.Conclusion The levels of serum PTX3 and hs-CRP in acute phase of acute cerebral infarction were related to the severity and prognosis of cerebral infarction and had good predictive value for its prognosis, but the predictive value of serum PTX3 level was better.


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作者单位:067000 河北省承德医学院[韩雪 高燕军(通信作者)赵士娇]
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-02-20