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论 著


The change of serum caveolin-1 level in acute cerebral infarction patients complicated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its relationship with early neurological deterioration
宋文英 赵静 唐浩 苟宁 周娇
Song Wenying Zhao Jing Tang Hao et al.
Department of Anesthesiology, Shanxi Provincial Hospital, Xi'an 710068
急性脑梗死 2型糖尿病 陷窝蛋白-1 早期神经功能恶化 危险因素 预测
Acute cerebral infarction Type 2 diabetes mellitus Caveolin-1 Early neurological deterioration Risk factors Prediction
R743.3 R587.1
目的 探讨急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病患者血清陷窝蛋白-1(Caveolin-1)的水平变化及其与早期神经功能恶化(END)的关系。方法 选择2018年1月-2019年12月本院收治的急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病患者、急性脑梗死患者、2型糖尿病患者、健康志愿者,检测血清Caveolin-1的水平,评价急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病患者的END,采用Logistic回归分析END的影响因素,采用ROC曲线分析Caveolin-1水平对END的预测价值。结果 急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病组患者的血清Caveolin-1水平高于急性脑梗死组、2型糖尿病组、对照组(P<0.05); 急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病组END患者的Caveolin-1水平、女性比例、入院时NIHSS评分、起病至入院时间、糖化血红蛋白、随机血糖、hs-CRP水平均高于非END患者(P<0.05); logistics回归分析显示,Caveolin-1水平增高、女性、糖化血红蛋白水平增高及入院时NIHSS评分增加是急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病组患者END的危险因素(P<0.05); ROC曲线分析显示,血清Caveolin-1对急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病患者的END具有预测价值,最佳截点为34.95 ng/mL。结论 血清Caveolin-1水平升高是急性脑梗死合并2型糖尿病患者END的危险因素,且对END具有预测价值。
ObjectiveTo study the change of serum caveolin-1 level in acute cerebral infarction patients complicated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its relationship with early neurological deterioration(END).Methods From January 2018 to December 2019, patients with acute cerebral infarction and type 2 diabetes, patients with acute cerebral infarction, patients with type 2 diabetes and healthy volunteers were selected. Then serum caveolin-1 level was detected, the END of acute cerebral infarction patients complicated with type 2 diabetes mellitus was evaluated, the influencing factors of END was analyzed by logistic regression, and the predictive value of caveolin-1 for END was analyzed by ROC curve.Results The serum caveolin-1 level of acute cerebral infarction complicated with type 2 diabetes mellitus group was higher than those of the acute cerebral infarction group, type 2 diabetes mellitus group and control group(P<0.05). The serum caveolin-1 level, the proportion of female, the NIHSS score on admission, the time from onset to admission, glycosylated hemoglobin, random blood glucose and hs-CRP levels of END patients in acute cerebral infarction complicated with type 2 diabetes mellitus group were all higher than that of non END patients in acute cerebral infarction complicated with type 2 diabetes mellitus group(P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that the increasing of caveolin-1 level, female, the increasing of glycosylated hemoglobin level and NIHSS score at admission were the risk factors of END in acute cerebral infarction patients complicated with diabetes mellitus(P<0.05). ROC curve analysis showed that serum caveolin-1 level had predictive value in END in acute cerebral infarction patients complicated with diabetes mellitus, the best cutoff was 34.95 ng/mL(P<0.05).Conclusion The increasing of serum caveolin-1 level was a risk factor of END in acute cerebral infarction patients complicated with diabetes mellitus, and it had a predictive value for END.


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(2020-03-13收稿)基金项目:陕西省自然科学项目(编号为2018JM7110)作者单位:710068 西安,陕西省人民医院麻醉科
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-10-20